Storm Hawks is an animated television series created by Asaph "Ace" Fipke and made by Nerd Corps Entertainment in conjunction with Cartoon Network and YTV. It premiered on Cartoon Network on May 25, 2007. It started to air on YTV in September 2007. It started to air on Cartoon Network in the UK in 6 August 2007. In Poland it started to air on Cartoon Network on 10 November 2007. Internationally, it first aired on ABC1 in Australia on 26 February 2008 and on Hero in the Philippines on March 12, 2008. The show also started airing in Singaporeon okto, Bulgaria, Turkey and Romania in 2008.
Extra info - This anime was onced aired in Malaysia some time ago, but as any Malaysian TV station would do with their program line-ups, take if off air for no apparent reasons. So the Internet, though not reliable, is the only available source for Storm Hawks' fans to get to watch the remaining episodes. Thank you people who created and run various online streaming sites (YouTube in particular) and also for those who have the passions (and might) to make this lovely anime available online for fans (and anyone) to enjoy.
In short, Storm Hawks is a fast-paced, high actions with a bit of comedy anime that you might (or might not) enjoy. Well, your opinions are entirely subjective after all.
Disclaimer : Please bear in mind that this blog does not store any episodes online, and the avaibility of any of these episodes are entirely depends on the streaming sites which hosted them.
So everyone - Do enjoy the ride while you still can ;)
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